I am a very light sleeper and even the slightest of noise can wake me up. I have moved out three years ago. But I can still hear my mom coming in and sweeping the house. I try to tell her to be more quiet, but she gets all snotty about it and says “I have to do everything around here, and I want to get it all done!”
I replied that she is disturbing my sleep and it’s the reason why I can’t go back to sleep and I end up feeling so tired all the time. She replied “I am NOT going to come here and clean this place at midnight!”. I told her she is being very unsympathetic toward my problems. She replied “I did not say a word about any of your problems!”. I recalled “yes you did, you did about the other day when you expect me to ignore people when I have trouble with that”.
That is what it always is with my mother. She acts like her needs are more important than mine, for example she thinks it’s better to have a clean house than to have a good rest. And according to her if I am getting poor sleep, it is always my fault because I don’t get “on schedule”. I am a full-fledged night owl, I get up a couple of hours before sunset and try to go to sleep by sunrise.
I was thinking about getting a “do not disturb” sign but I’ve told her about this and she is upset about it. She acts like she has no choice but to clean the house, but anything involving me is somehow MY choice.
For more detail, for those of you who are going to say “why don’t YOU clean your house so your mom won’t have to do it for you?”, that is not an option as a lot of heavy duty work is extremely difficult for me as I have very little energy and pushing myself to work to the standards of work-obsessed people just makes me want to faint. For those of you who think “why don’t you just meet up to their time standards and be an early bird?”, I cannot do that either. I tried to sleep more in the night but I feel restless and it seems as if the more sunlight I get, the more exhausted I feel. To neurotypicals, people like me are lazy and always making “excuses”.
I don’t know what else to say here. So I’ll just leave it there.