I've been told I have dissociative amnesia as part of a larger PTSD-dissociative subtype.
I have a lot of missing memories from when I get triggered, and my inpatient doc said I had this because I was sitting in the common area and she came up to me and I guess we talked for a bit and I left and played foosball with someone after, but the next day she asked about what I thought about what she said yesterday and I said I thought she had the day off and the guy covering didn't see me (which would be feasible because that guy and I have a bad past, they don't assign him to me anymore, but he still covers occasionally but he ignores me, anyways...). This was kind of a "oh yeah, something triggered her and she has no memory of what happened," moment for her. After I got discharged and read my note online from that day that meeting came back.
That's kinda how it goes for me anyways.
Are you saying you didn't know it happened after the event until now, as dissociative amnesia goes? Or are you trying to get across something else?