Did you read my post? How are you allocating your remaining $1200? You could be spending 600 towards other expenses, and 600 towards food.
I dont understand your hostility towards me. I put more than half of my social security towards rent, utilities, and health insurance. I dont have a car or cable tv, i take the bus or uber, and have an old fashioned antenna plus amazon prime for movies. I understand you may need a car for your job, but insurance, gasoline, and payments can be very expensive relative to your income.
I eat canned fish, canned beans, canned veg and oatmeal. There are low-sodium options for these. If you can be more specific about your food restrictions, or what you can eat, maybe we can offer better advice.
Again, not really sure what you are asking. The math adds up for the rent portion. Have you ever written up a monthly budget to see where your money goes? Lots of google help available.