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Default May 21, 2024 at 12:44 AM
@TheGal I have not heard many of Kris Kristofferson's songs. Although I should have by now, considering i was a DJ for some 30yrs. While I cant remember a single movie he's ever been in, I used to like watching him growing up.

Did you know he was a very smart individual, up there with the likes of Albert Einstein and such? Watched a YT video on him the other week. It was said that instead of going down the road of being a scientist and whatnot, he turned to country music instead, resonating and getting to know Johnny Cash and all the other country singers. I thought that was rather quite interesting.

I have absolutely no idea what a "occupational therapist" is, or what all that would entail. To be 1000% honest here, due to my traumatic childhood I was never really taught any life skills. Only thing i was good for (or so it seemed) was to be at my mothers beck-and-call, that or there to be her proverbial punching bag whenever she was hung-over or angry bout something. Aside from that, i was always told to go play out in the street, along with spending a lot of time isolated and alone in a room.

In regards to you other suggestions, at this point in life, I am all ears. Bcuz yeah, as Ive stated before, I am a fairly isolated person (feeling stuck and trapped within these four walls).

Eh, i came to terms in my mid teens "pain is a part of life". Once one is able to accept that and learn "the dance", the better off one will be. Only my logic and opinion there though, as everyone is different. You're fine with posting the song, in fact thank you. That is all I listen to and can relate with anymore, are sad/ depressing songs. I understand that music is there to either help pick us up or motivate ya, however, when all there has been is one bad/ traumatic thing to the next, I simply feel more of what a sad song is conveying vs the opposite (that's just me though).

I don't mean to sound like a broken record here, however, what is this "peer support" in which you speak of? Granted, I have tried reaching out on other forums/ support sites in the past. Yet have gotten very little back in the way of what you might call "support". More often than not, been told (more than I care to remember tbh) "that's just apart of life" - to, "bad things happen, get over it already" - or one of my favorites (<--pure sarcasm there btw) "you're not the only one with problems", as if i did not know that already. Yet when all is said and done, what can ya do (/shrugs)?

I have not heard of Thank you, though, for the suggestion. I will def check it out

That being said, however, thank you again for taking the time to read and reply back to my post here. Hope you, and everyone else on this site, are having a blessed and wonderful day.
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