Ahh, I see. Still a good topic. Seems like you tend to minimize the good and focus on the flaws. I do this too. Mistakes are made, yeah, but they're learning experiences, not failures. Hell, even if you don't learn from them they're still experiences
If people say you draw well, there has to be some validity to that especially if it was multiple people. I suck at drawing and never had anyone say that to me.
Also, fk expectations. If you try to make yourself seem like something you're not, you will always either not live up to that ideal or eventually slip up. I learned that doing that in my relationships, haha, just haven't learned to apply that yet. You are what you are, they get what they get. If you're not what they want, there's always someone else that appreciates you enough to want you around. This is just my personal belief, but I don't think there is anybody that doesn't have a place in the world. It just may be hard to find it.