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Monster on the Hill
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Default May 26, 2024 at 12:33 PM
I'm going to try and stop purging first and hopefully binging will follow suit. Or at least lessen it. I'm going to gain a crap ton of weight; I know this, but hopefully I'll totally stop binging because I won't allow myself any sort of "compensation." Right now it's: binge-purge-binge-purge-binge-purge-pass out-wake up feeling like crap every night I don't drink. But maybe not purging won't let me spend hours a night in that cycle since I'm "not allowed" to keep eating. I will work on meal planning that will actually keep me from wanting food--especially "trigger snacks"--before bed. And I actually fall asleep and wake up at a decent time.

After you make a mistake, you can either repeat them or learn from them.

I like repeating them just to see if it really is likely cause and effect.
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