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Default May 31, 2024 at 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Have Hope View Post
I would confront the issue directly with your mother and tell her point blank: you are not allowed to make any more derogatory and insulting comments about my bf, judge him, or intrude upon my life. Period. Since she is not respecting any boundaries, I think you have to take the next step and option and confront it head on. If she then continues to make these judgments and insulting comments,. then you're going to have to set strong limits on her visits, on your conversations, and phone calls. This problem will not go away and will intrude upon the happiness of your relationship. I would nip it in the bud now before it bubbles up and becomes a serious issue that divides you and your boyfriend.
I have confronted her many times, but I think it'll require giving her an ultimatum where I no longer take her calls and not spend time with her the way I do now if she continues to make disrespectful comments about my boyfriend or negative comments about my relationship. Hopefully that will put a stop to it.
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Have Hope
Thanks for this!
Have Hope