Today was a pretty good day, in part because of how much caffeine I had. I chose to ignore the fact that a drink I got contained 4 shots of espresso. Once the caffeine hit, I felt hypomanic (I've had this happen a couple of times before when I've had a high amount of caffeine in a short amount of time). Not gunna lie, it was helpful because the caffeine energy was stronger than the depression symptoms I've been having so I felt better and got more done. Definitely shouldn't make that much caffeine in one drink a habit though.
Last night and tonight, I took 2 mg PRN of risperidone instead of just 1 mg. I felt much more grounded today, and didn't want to destroy anything that made me mad. Tomorrow, I plan on going back down to must 1 mg PRN on top of my regular dose-I want to do anything I can to try and keep my daily dose at 1 mg so don't want my brain getting to used to the higher doses.