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Monster on the Hill
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Default Jun 11, 2024 at 09:00 AM
Originally Posted by June08 View Post
I saw this second counselor I'm starting to see for CBT type stuff for the second time today. She also laughed when I told her about how, if my irritability gets to a point when I'm tempted to rear end people, I know I need to take my PRN. With two counselors laughing at this, it makes me wonder what tone of voice is coming out when I explain it. Or, maybe I need to explain that this symptom, while it might seem funny to some, is pretty distressful to me because it's my wake-up call to being hypomanic which means I immediately start analyzing how long I've been this way and how it has been impacting my behavior without me noticing. It also causes dread/worry about the depressive crash that I know will follow.

I met my new neighbors today. They seem like really cool, down to Earth people.
Ughh, hate it when counselors don't take you seriously when you point out an early warning sign. I'm always a tad scattered brained, but when I start going up, I literally have to write on my hand "go to the bathroom" when I start feeling like I have to in the midst of or right before doing something I have to do, or once my CM came to the apartment I was staying at after I made an attempt to clean and, not to be tmi, but in my frenzy of starting the most miniscule of tasks that take 5 seconds I screw it up and there were snowshoes in the recycling bin, nipple clamps on the coffee table, and a bagless vacuum in the middle of the room. She of course laughed at the haphazardity of the place and made a comment about how I apparently can't be left unsupervised doing chores. Nevermind the fact my brain was incredibly screwed up, and reacting that way to an irritable, impulsive person probably was something she should've tried to not do...

Can you explain to the counselor it's not a normal thought for you, it always precedes (hypo)mania, and the meaning behind those thoughts are worrisome for you and that her response was upsetting?

[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here]
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Thanks for this!