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Member Since Jun 2024
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Default Jun 11, 2024 at 10:18 AM
Thank you for your reply CANDC!

You are right saying I should probably not feed the fantasies. I think part of that stems from the fact I mentioned my feelings but it was not discussed extensively. T asked about attachment issues but never asked about the fantasies or really going into detail..I think I took it as "maybe she doesn't want to talk about it" and dropped it. I have also a lot of shame around my sexuality, which maybe is making me think she is uncomfortable. I mean I sensed some hesitation from her part but I'm not sure if I'm just projecting.

With my partner we definitely have some issues in the sexual area, despite being a very loving relationship. T reassured me attraction fades in long-term relationships and didn't seem concerned and said it was normal to happen.

I think I gave up bringing the trasference up to my T for fear of making her uncomfortable and thinking feelings would fade eventually. I can now see it's starting to impacting me as I feel so guilty for these fantasies.
I was hoping my T would ask about that but she either think I have no more feelings or she doesn't want to call me out on that
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