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Always in This Twilight
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Default Jun 24, 2024 at 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by ArtieTheSequal View Post
does sound a lil creepy him saying he's aware of places you go.

this situation with him being weird about you visiting the building lobby kinda reminds me of when L accused me of "stalking" her because I mentioned during a session that I'd seen her psych today profile had been updated. Her public profile. The very one I'd found her on in the first place, that advertises her services. Of course she said she was joking but it didn't sound like it to me.

Therapists can be freakin' weird.

Yeah, that is ridiculous that L called that "stalking."

It makes me think of when Dr. T seemed alarmed that I knew where he grew up, and I was like, "it's on the front page of your professional website! I read it when I first started working with you and remembered because I know the area." He checked and admitted I was right. I noticed that's gone from his updated site--suppose I shouldn't mention I saw that.

Agreed that they can be pretty weird!
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