I had a good appointment with my pdoc today. He prescribed me 45 2 mg tablets of risperidone for the month so I can play around with the dose a bit as my body figures out its new normal taking the meds my gyno gave me. I've got some stuff that typically triggers symptoms coming up too, so this gives me the flexibility to take care of this as needed. The plan is to stick between 1 mg and 3 mg, but he said even going up to 4 mg if absolutely necessary would be okay. I'm so grateful he trusts me to play with my dose of risperidone a bit without more supervision on his end than necessary. I imagine not all pdocs would be willing to let me do this, especially without having more appointments than normal. I see him again in a month.
A second highlight of today is my depression symptoms weren't so bad. I finally tackled a very simple/short work task that I just couldn't get myself to do until today!