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Default Jun 25, 2024 at 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by stopdog View Post
I don't think any of those people do anything and from the description the therapist has always seemed a bit arrogant (the "dr" thing would have ensured me spending no more than 5 min before walking out), and he is not good at holding firm boundaries, but other than that -I don't see what he has done wrong. I agree with his stance, as iterated here, on a lot of things. In his position, I would have been thrown by the idea of going by and checking out the new office before an appointment. I have been in similar situation with a client and my own office - which is odd because who cares what building a lawyer is in - but this was one of the mental health docket clients - and frankly I was not completely certain how they would react in the lobby or trying to check out my group's suite of offices and so on. I admit I had no idea why the client was telling me they wanted to see the office we were moving to and why they were bothering to tell me they were going to do it -but once they told me - I asked them not to. I couldn't stop them and did nothing to attempt to stop them, but it was a bit creepy and I warned my colleagues.
It makes sense that a lawyer isn't interested in a client's internal process and has no interest or skill in unpacking what's happening and making enquiry about what it means for the client. As a therapist, it's literally his job.
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Thanks for this!
Jersey 4, LonesomeTonight