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Member Since Dec 2023
Location: Alaska
Posts: 31
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Default Jun 25, 2024 at 01:04 PM
@Ninetiesgrl13.... Yup, sounds about right. My mother was quite the piece of work to say the least. I always used to say, neither one of my parents should have had kids. My mother was quite the overly controlling drunk/ drug addict/ dealer. I mean, how many parents do you know hold a 5y/o child in the air by one hand, and proceed to beat the unholy hell out of them with a 2x4 - not many i know (though thats not saying much, as I dont really know, albeit associate myself with, all that many ppl these days). You can say that again, in relation to "spending time with family when you feel like no one truly cares or understands". All there is anymore are these four walls (the four best friends I never wanted). It is true, however, we are the only ones responsible for how we feel. That being said, however, how exactly "are you supposed to feel" when at every turn or corner there is always something bad around the next bend? Seems all Ive been in this life is a giant sized/ walking magnet, which only attracts/ draws in the madness of the outside world (then again, that could just be the hyper-sensitivity talking there..... idk /shrugs). But yes, gotta love it when everything goes haywire and array upstairs. Genuine sympathy (((Huggs))) from someone who understands (The Struggle Is Real)
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