Yesterday, I got back from a weekend trip to my home state. Between flights and driving to family, weekend trip makes for a lot of travel in a short amount of time, it was the perfect amount of time. My mystery physical stuff is acting up because of it though, especially the fatigue. I expected this though. It's bad enough I'm worried about going on another upcoming trip. The trip involves longer flights and more days than this one so I'm worried I won't be able to push through while I'm there and what shape I'll be in when I get home. Part of my wonders if I should cancel the trip...
I am scheduled to have an endoscopy next Tuesday, but I'm concerned about the after part. Tomorrow, I see the friend who agreed to take me, but I'm realizing I don't know if she is actually planning to stay with me once she brings me home. If she can't wait with me for at least a few hours, I might end up having to cancel or reschedule. Technically, the surgery center won't let me get it done if she can't stay with me for 24 hours so...Living away from family, and not having one of my own, is tough when it comes to needing to get medical procedures done.