Originally Posted by divine1966
That’s not an easy feeling. I could totally understand it. I can relate in some complicated way, don’t want to hijack your thread by explaining
Were you raised in any faith or tradition? Or is there any faith or tradition you might gravitate to and might be interested in adopting? Sometimes that’s the way to feel that everywhere you go, there are other people of your persuasion and just knowing they are there helps to feel more at home even if moved/displaced.
I was raised in the episcopal church— not a bad church, but I didn’t feel a connection to it. My dad and I had a huge battle over me being confirmed when I was thirteen, until even he realized that he wasn’t going to win lol. My religion is pagan (NOT Wiccan, however). I worship my ancestors and the earth as opposed to a god or goddess. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of sites or groups out there for pagans who are not Wiccans, and Wiccans annoy the crap out of me. Many are just as controlling as people in the three major monotheistic religions.
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