Thread: T is away
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Default Jul 13, 2024 at 10:31 PM
I think everything suffers from some sort of mental health problems, it's just to different degrees. Some cope extremely well, others, not so much. I don't think everyone is suicidal. I think there are a lot more people out there who just don't talk about it. And often times, I'm guessing, it's not chronic.

I find meds extremely helpful, just personally. It stops all the racing thoughts and SI, so I can actually hear my actual thoughts and feelings. It's like silencing the audience at a concert so you can listen to the band. I know when I started taking meds again several years ago, my H was afraid that meds would change my personality. My Pdoc had to talk to him before he felt comfortable enough to let me try. Now he supports my meds, even reminds me to take them. His only complaint now is the price.

It's okay if you have concerns about meds. Might want to talk to a doctor if you need some encouragement (if that's something you'd like). There are some natural supplements that you can use instead. Other than that it's skills.

"Odium became your opium..." ~Epica
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