Jul 15, 2024 at 07:23 PM
OMG, I have so many old ED books, including ones that I don't have bags for that my daughter suggests we make a trip to Half Price Books and sell them back. You don't get a ton of money for your efforts, but some, maybe I'll net $50, $75 but it is 30-40 minutes to drive there and the same back. So an hour's worth of driving. Since my daughter took my car keys away (because of a bipolar manic episode), I might not have my keys back any time soon. I see the pdoc on Wednesday, but knowing good 'ole pdoc he'll say another WEEK before I can drive.
Now I have all these books sitting around in my office.
It was a very impulsive act bagging them up. Some good came out of hypomania at least.
Maybe I can persuade H to take all of us the Half Price Books tomorrow. We're going to a library out that way to get passports made. The Half Price Books is probably around 10 min. from that library. I hope H agrees.
I want to look at books too, but I'll probably only buy at the library from the Friends of the Library bookstore. There, they sell used books for $1, $2 a piece, much better prices.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD
Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, lamotrigine, hydroxyzine,
There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen