Originally Posted by ChickenNoodleSoup
How would you feel about a T accompanying you to some social situation where you'd need support but don't have buddies to take with you? Not like just a sports competition (though ofc comments on that are welcome too), but where you have to deal with some potential arguments and so on.
My T today suggested that he might be able to help in something like that, and while it sounds incredibly nice and helpful, I'm just not sure what others think...
For me it would be a huge blurring of boundaries and I don't think I would feel comfortable with it at all. But I understand there may be an element of cultural difference here, as ethical policies and procedures are varied for different countries.
I would say only do it if it feels comfortable to you and that you don't think it would change the nature of your therapy relationship afterwards. If you have any doubts at all, I would urge on the side of caution and say don't risk the good therapy relationship you have with him.