I just started a new job last month as a caretaker. I was promised f/t hours but I only got 32 a week last momth. It was so that I could get benefits.
Then this month I only got 16 hours a week. I told them that I needed more hours so I was temporarily given more hours & one p/t shift.
I was also given the opportunity to clean a filthy house that I complained about. That house smells like cat urine & feces was on the floor too.
One of my regular first clients is no longer my client. I was told that they change clients around with caretakers a lot as the manager doesn’t want people getting to comfortable.
I was never told why I’m no longer with my first client. I can’t help but wonder if he didn’t like me & complained to management.
I just got a call fresh m one of the managers offering me a last minute shift. It was less than 3 hours notice.
So for now there are no available hours despite us just having got a few new clients which makes no sense to me at all.
I did call adult protective services & code violation la about the house that smells. My husband thinks that they found out or at least suspect it was me & are now trying to get me to quit so that they won’t have to pay me unemployment.
He said that I made a big mistake having agencies investigating them as they probably did an investigation & know that you called to complain about things.
Is he right or not? Did I probably do this to myself, or could this just be bad luck?
Two clients are no longer with us. One left temporarily & the other one just got arrested.
Also, I forgot to ask the manager who called me a question so I called her back & when I did, this guy answered & said that I got the wrong number!
It was the right number. Was she trying to avoid taking to me? I asked her questions & I was a bit upset but in a normal way.
I can’t help but womder if other employees badmouthed me as I made the mistake of asking people about hours. It’s not like I asked about their salary, but one lady said that’s private & that she didn’t want to discuss her finances.
Is it possible that they want me to quit, or is this just maybe a coincidence?
My coworkers don’t seem to dislike me btw, but I rarely talk much to most of them.
Did I make a mistake by complaining about that house & asking people about their hours? No one but one lady seemed to be offended by my questions.