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Member Since Jul 2024
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Default Jul 28, 2024 at 12:24 PM
Hi, I am a bit lost and really hope this forum can provide some guidance. I have been with my partner a year and a half. He grew up with a mother who was addicted to opioids for over 10 years. She put herself through rehab, came out and went back on them. My partner hasn’t spoken too much about it all, as he feels too much guilt (and enmeshment) to his mother. I do know she used to hit him when she was angry, and that she had very little understanding of his emotional needs; thus why he literally swallows all of this feelings down. I also know that when she was in a better mood she treated him a golden child showering him with excessive love and compliments (almost enmeshment), with absolutely no parental guidance just constant praise that he looked perfect. This has made him deeply insecure, despite being a very handsome man. She never realises he had ADHD which is so evident, never helped him with the severe stutter he had as a child, and not noticing his compulsion/addiction to health and working out (thankfully the healthiest addiction he could have). His older brother had much worse treatment from his mum - he now has a masturbation addiction and is very clearly gay but has never “come out”. My partner’s Uncle/ his mother’s brother is an alcoholic - they had a very abusive narcissistic mother. After my partner and I broke up, I told him there were so many unnecessary difficulties in the relationship, and I believe a therapist would really help him unpack a lot of trauma, process it and unlearn many toxic behaviours. He got in touch with me and said wanted to start with a therapist and hopes we can work through everything . Him and his therapist had a successful intro and he will have his first session next week, which he says he’s looking forward to.

I am experiencing many worries about making it work - my partner can be very emotionally neglectful with me, very reliant on my resources (I paid for everything for over a year, despite me suffering from the stress and he owes me thousands), he often doesn’t support me emotionally if I need it, and is so so so chronically busy with everything else outside of the relationship. He seems to be completely unaware and oblivious of the focus and connection a healthy relationship needs but almost expects me to be available when he is. If I’m not he is very insecure and codependent - it’s a very unusual mix I’ve never experienced of codependency and toxic independence. It’s clear he hasn't had any example of a loving connected family environment. It’s often very very lonely which I have never experienced before. I have always been independent but the disconnection and superficial way we operate is deafening sometimes. I must highlight that he is also incredibly loving and kind which is why I am contemplating getting back together. I feel deeply how he has been treated by those who are supposed to give you all the tools to help you build your own identity and go on to live a balanced healthy existence.

Does anyone have any advice. Could anything change? With the help of therapy, would he ever become a connected, emotionally available family man? Or are his dysfunctional foundations too strong to rebuild? Thank you in advance for any advice.
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