I agree with both of you, @
LostOnTheTrail and @
Blue_Bird . I even had the idea of becoming a guardian!
For example, I've started on antibiotics for a tick bite, so I wanted to make sure I remember to take the pill twice a day. The app let me schedule daily reminders as "goals" (one for AM; one for PM) with a 10 day recurrence duration. This is something you'd find in a decent calendar app. But on top of that, when I do take the pill, it's easy to press "Done" and my little birdie gets a reward! I'm looking forward to scheduling some of my chores as goals. "Start a Journey" (under goal idea) sounds like a way of establishing a series of goals to complete a large task -- that's something I definitely need help with!
"Name your emotion..." Okay, so I took a break from writing this post. I was trying to figure out where to find "Name your emotion" -- I came across it by accident once. Turns out it's in the First Aid Kit, which features a great deal of activities, many of them for anxiety and panic. So I want to get my wife to use it on her phone.