In the last few months, several people I haven't heard from for years have gotten in contact. They all started with asking me for something - business information for an industry I used to do research about, language classes for their daughter, helping them track down someone in my country. In all cases, they went right to what they wanted from me. Later in the message, there were questions about how I was doing, or can we get together?
I almost arranged to have lunch with one of them, but then I thought, why? He would have never contacted me if he didn't need something from me. I've been married 15 years and the last time I was him was at our wedding. I've gotten one or two LinkedIn messages from him in all those years.
It sucks to feel being used. I won't be in contact with those people again.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is this becoming more common? It feels like this to me, anyways.