Thanks, LT. I'm sorry your move didn't go as smoothly as you'd hope. I bet if he remembered the handshake it would have felt better, more grounding. I can totally see why you'd want one at the beginning. To me, it would be like welcoming me into the space.
L is going to the office tonight with her partner and the landlord. She's going to take pictures for me. And she's going to try to get me in tomorrow to see the place. I told her if we can't do tomorrow, I'd understand.
The only good thing about the new furniture is that we won't use it!
We sit on the floor. We just use the ottoman between us. But still, the environment will change.
I think I'm with you. I'm probably going to struggle with it for awhile. But L reassures me that this is a good decision. I'm just going to miss everything.