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Old Aug 19, 2024, 12:25 PM
Revu2 Revu2 is offline
Grand Member
Member Since: Aug 2013
Posts: 878
Hi measly step 2-ers,

I have several ways to "get to" a challenge. I flit among starting small and not missing a weekday (modified Seinfeld method), setting a block of minutes on a specific day and hunkering down and seeing how far I get; & setting a number of how many times to work in this "season" and getting to the challenge when I can and counting down the ticks till I reach zero and declare a "break." No time brackets for the last alternative so 1 minute or 2 hours are both just a single tick for that moment on task.

I evoke all of this because I'm facing a run of challenges around the condo that deal exclusively with owners actions or non-actions. Yuck stuff.

I propose a definition of fate as repellent challenges that there's only one person to address: you.