Aug 21, 2024 at 11:57 AM
With all this running, I've lost about 6 lb. I don't really need to lose weight, just shape up, but my weight is still 121 lb. which is normal for my height, so I'm good there. I am so happy my abs are shaping up and I'm finally losing those persistent love handles. I have noticed my boobs have shrunk, which is the one place I def. do not want to lose weight, but what can you do?
Today, the 10K runner was 5 min. warmup and cooldown with the long run 12 min. and then a 3 min. walk, 8 min. run. So it's still sticking to 20 min. total running, just the longer intervals are longer. The next long run is 15 min. and I'm really hoping I manage that okay. Then, I walked/jogged home for a total distance of 4.5 miles.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD
Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, lamotrigine, hydroxyzine,
There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen