I've been thinking about this a bit, and I think one (small?) part is how you've come to the perspective of whatever the thought is.
Take my past episode. My main delusion was protons are having a higher charge and we can use that in a certain way to either produce all the energy we will ever need or blow up the world. This was purely because of perceptual disturbances and thinking "that stop sign looks brighter and it doesn't look quite as attached to the pole as it used to," so there was a subjective viewpoint that no one else could see (and trust me, I've asked). If your conclusion is based on a false premise, chances are the conclusion is false too.
There are also other symptoms of psychosis. I think if they all tie in together in a way that's coherent and syntonic within itself, it's a possibility, but if some of it is obviously far out there enough to have no relation to "reality" then the argument of possibly "creatively perceiving" (or doing so without being "psychotic") is naught.