Well done Blueberry, I definitely find I feel better after rest days. I’m finding as I get older rest days really are important.
I graduated the couch to 5k program this morning, nice weather, cool, early autumn mist, although the sunrise wasn’t as stunning as last week it was nice to run along the coast. They’ve redone the surfaces on the footpaths along there and it’s a really good surface to run on. I was focusing on mindfulness and taking in my surroundings as much as possible, I do tend to drift mentally when I run and sometimes I can dwell on negative stuff which I’m not sure is helpful.
Anyhow I didn’t hit 5k in the 30 mins but that’s fine, I kept going a bit afterwards and think I wasn’t too far off. Didn’t use my watch though as that just distracts me, when I got back I used a website called How Far Did I Run? Which is simple to plot a route on.