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Old Sep 07, 2024, 05:54 AM
ChickenNoodleSoup ChickenNoodleSoup is offline
Grand Poohbah
Member Since: Apr 2017
Location: In a land far far away
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I don't usually see hospital offers as "I can't deal with you" but as "I don't have enough capacity to be there as much as you need". I have always refused to go to hospitals and managed to deal with it myself and with support from phone calls and so on. Forensic T a while back offered some kind of option where I would've been able to go home at night, which I did sign up for, but the waitlist was so long that now I wouldn't have time to go if they would have a spot.

Safe as well as crisis are individual terms to me. I have lived with sui for most of my life, and if I just have weird impulses to do something during the day, I can deal with it well. I think other people who have something acute coming up and then feel like that for the first time ever might be more overwhelmed and would need more support. To me personally, if I didn't know anymore whether I'll hurt myself or not, I'd not think I'm safe. But I can judge most times that I will not do that, or not if I get some more sessions, so then I'd think I'm safe.

At the end of the day, only you can judge whether you are safe. T once said that people usually know when they aren't safe anymore, unless they are in a psychotic state or something like that.
Thanks for this!
LonesomeTonight, ScarletPimpernel