Sep 07, 2024 at 09:47 AM
Clozaril is supposed to be used as a last resort. If you have other things that work for you it is usually considered better to be on those instead of clozaril. I love clozaril and I would always recommend it as something to try but not if something else works because of the risk of neutropenia (tiny), all the labs in the first year, coordinating labs/drs/pharmacies and the side effects.
This is just me but I wouldn't want to feel pushed onto it. It needs to be something you are comfortable with.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, GAD, OCD.
Clozapine 250 mg, Emsam 12 mg/day patch, topamax 25 mg, ,Gabapentin 1600 mg & 100-2 PRN,. 2 mg clonazepam., 75 mg Seroquel and 12.5 mg PRNx2 daily