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Old Sep 10, 2024, 08:22 AM
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Blueberrybook Blueberrybook is online now
Grand Magnate
Member Since: Oct 2017
Location: La Porte, TX
Posts: 4,135
I hope your daughter starts getting better soon. That is awful about her insurance company. I really hate dealing with the insurance company; you continuously get people reading off scripts, transferring you to robo menus without your needs addressed and more people who can't help you and it just goes in circles. It' s a nightmare.

So many of you have posted, I can't keep up! @HALLIEBETH87, I hope you can get the help you need, that could be a mixed episode or your mania getting a lot worse (my last manic episode was NOT fun at all - lots of irritability, strained relationships with my H and daughter, anger, tiredness but no sleep, lack of attention - nothing fun at all about it!)

I am so sorry about your lack of sleep. I don't function well on little sleep either, and I HATE it when I can't sleep. When do you see your pdoc next? Are you on anything to help you sleep?

So sorry about your best pdoc leaving. When my best pdoc retired, it was very hard on me. My new pdoc is very good (well he's not that new, I've been seeing him since 2018) but he is still far from being exceptional the way my old pdoc was.

Everyone else is in my thoughts. I hope those of you struggling with sleep are able to nap today or sleep better tonight, and hugs to everyone dealing with depression & anxiety.

My life is pretty boring to report these days - solid 8 hr. sleep last night, morning exercise, shower, breakfast, just finishing my coffee. My anxiety is low right now, and I hope it stays that way. Yesterday I had high anxiety/panic attacks most of the day and couldn't concentrate well to read which really sucked.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD

Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, lamotrigine, hydroxyzine,

There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen
Hugs from:
BeyondtheRainbow, Blue_Bird, Crazy Hitch, JaneOnceMore, LadyShadow, Nammu, raspberrytorte, Rosi700
Thanks for this!
Blue_Bird, LadyShadow, Nammu