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Member Since Aug 2024
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Default Sep 12, 2024 at 10:15 AM
--Neurological problems:

I know this is going to get very weird, very quickly for a lot of people, but bear with me, this is connected to my life in terms of important events, and this can be used as my future reference point to people, to explain what I mean by 'neurological problems'.

Research paper on (VGP) voluntary generated piloerection, also known as 'voluntary goosebumps'. (There were only ~4 such papers done in (western) science over a long period of time, this one I found via one of the co-authors, James Heather.)
- No URL posting yet. So here is the citation of said article:
Heathers, James & Fayn, Kirill & Silvia, Paul & Tiliopoulos, Niko & Goodwin, Matthew. (2018). The voluntary control of piloerection. PeerJ. 6. e5292. 10.7717/peerj.5292.

Abstract from paper:
"Autonomic nervous systems in the human body are named for their operation outside of conscious control. One rare exception is voluntarily generated piloerection (VGP)—the conscious ability to induce goosebumps—whose physiological study, to our knowledge,is confined to three single-individual case studies. Very little is known about the physiological nature and emotional correlates of this ability. The current manuscript assesses physiological, emotional, and personality phenomena associated with VGP in a sample of thirty-two individuals. Physiological descriptions obtained from the sample are consistent with previous reports, including stereotypical patterns of sensation and action. Most participants also reported that their VGP accompanies psychological states associated with affective states (e.g., awe) and experience (e.g., listening to music), and higher than typical openness to new experiences. These preliminary findings suggest that this rare and unusual physiological ability interacts with emotional and personality factors, and thus merits further study."

That paper is an exploratory study into a basic validation of the phenomenon, and a lager sample size study of a relatively rare philological trait which not everyone has (and most people have to develop or train it). I know other studies have been done after this paper submitted in mid-2018, in both eastern and western studies, which I have not kept up with over time. (Perhaps I will go back and try to find any new research into VGP, or what has been discovered about it in recent times.)

- This phenomenon is also know as frisson, voluntary goosebumps, or as something else under spiritual practices (EX: 'Kundalini syndrome')

- My experience with it specifically:
This is a ability to create a cold/electric sensation through any part of my body, which always starts from the back of my neck, using a muscle in the back of my neck to initiate the sensation. It started at the peripheries (to my hands and arms specifically) and then I 'trained' it over a short time period, and now I can use it to create and sustain the sensation to where I can create the sensation like a ball of cold/electricity, so I can now control it to a higher degree, for Example: I can move the sensation side to side within my own chest area, which feels like a ball of cold electricity.

So now when I use the abbreviation of VGP, people will know WTH I am talking about. This should be post#4 when I am done writing this.
If people have further questions, then great I would like to know more as well, and will answer what I know, or from my own experience.

You do NOT need medical or scientific background to understand medicine, if a shaman hiding under a rock in a the Sahara desert in Africa can understand medicine, than so can you.
I will try to dumb it down and/or make it understandable after the following disclaimer:

But, If people are like: ..'What is VGP? -> What is Voluntary Generated Piloerection? -> What time is it? -> Can you lend me money?' , OR 'This is too/2/to complicated.' , OR 'WT*, a research paper... who actually reads those!'..
Then please, by all means use your head as a battering ram for the monitor sitting in front of you, and repeatedly spam the ESC key like a aggressive, undead zombie. (I am not sorry, it had to be said.)

Simple version:
- Goosebumps also known as -piloerection-, the spots you get on your skin when in cold weather or from emotional arousal. They happen to most people automatically when placed under the correct stimulus, similar to the pupils widening or contacting at different (light) luminosity levels. This process is usually controlled by the ANS, or 'automatic nervous system'.
- VGP, Voluntary (meaning conscious choice or action), Generated (creating or stimulating action), Piloerection, commonly known as goosebumps. It creates a cold and/or electric sensation in people going throughout their body over a limited period of time, by conscious choice or action.
- VGP is a rare, most likely physiological phenomenon, that occurs only in a percentage of the population, with estimates going from 1/1500 to 1/4000 or even higher rarity, know these are guesstimations or pure guesses, as this has never been fully studied in modern western science.
- In my case, and in the cases of others, The VGP starts using a muscle at the back of the neck, and then radiates either downwards to the rest of the body, or upwards into the head. It seems to start as a weak sensation that can be trained or practiced, to build intensity over time.
- VGP can be influenced by, or perhaps have influence over, the emotional state. People often cite listening to music as a means of activating the stimulus of goosebumps, or piloerection.

Now you may be wondering: what does this have to do with Schizophrenia?
-Schizophrenia is a syndrome, meaning a diagnosis by a set of symptoms. Schizophrenia is not a clearly definable disease, often thought to be a neurological disease. Schizophrenia is often characterized by unstable paranoias, delusions, auditory or visual hallucinations, catatonia (lack of movement or expression), or an abnormal train of thought.
-In my life experience the VGP and my diagnosis of Schizophrenia overlap, which will be explained later. Both the VGP and the schizophrenia diagnosis happened when I was around 14-15 years old.
-It is also worth mentioning that there is evidence of schizophrenia being a disease of metabolism (like diabetes and Alzheimer), and that it can be observed as abnormal activity of the brain, between the connection of the DMN and TPN sides of the brain. DMN, or default mode network, is the passive/unaware, subconscious side of the brain that requires little to no conscious input. TPN, or Task positive network, is the conscious, executive side of the brain, that must be aroused by conscious input or executive decision-making stimulus.

I will get to how this is interconnected, and how it has affected me in even more bizarre ways, in a future post.
Hopefully this should cover the bare basics of VGP (voluntary goosebumps), and of my other neurological related problems.
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