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Old Sep 12, 2024, 11:54 AM
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ScarletPimpernel ScarletPimpernel is offline
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Member Since: Nov 2013
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I don't think it's just the jealousy that she has something I want. I mean, it's definitely there. I feel like the disrespect is using a less reliable birth control method. Again, her body, her rights. But she told me she would prepare me for the next. And I just feel like that because she wasn't careful enough and didn't respect her own fertility, it feels disrespectful to me. She even said she knew what this would do to me if it happened. Yet she didn't take any extra precaution? Or at least inform me of the risks of her decision. I know, too, not my place to know such information. But if she was willing to tell me when they'd try again, if she knew how it would affect me, I just think she should have made other choices (e.g. telling me or trying harder).

The thing that gets me is that she said she's talking to her doctors to make sure it doesn't happen again. To me that shows they didn't try hard enough. But let's say they did... this will happen again. I guess the only good thing is that I'm now prepared for the next one right away after she gives birth. I will never trust her to make wise decisions in this topic again.

What scares me now because of her choice of birth control is that she can keep popping out kids whether she wants to or not.
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