Sep 13, 2024 at 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by The Grey Wolf
That being said I hate the way someone is dismissed simply for their age and/or Generation. It seems to be a part of human nature though every Generation complains about the next. "The Greatest Genertion" often complained about Baby Boomers and Then Generation X, Boomers Started to Complain about Generation X and then Millenials, and Gen Z, The Gen X started to Complain about Millenials and Gen Z, Now I have seen some millenials complain about Gen Z and in a few years will likely complain about Gen Alpha as Gen Z will likely chime in on that. It goes the other way as well with critiques often levied at the Older Generations but that isn't as common as complaining about those younger. It is a sad fact of the world.
Yep, this is a very valid point.
Bipolar 1, PTSD, anorexia, panic disorder, ADHD
Seroquel, Cymbalta, propanolol, buspirone, Trazodone, gabapentin, lamotrigine, hydroxyzine,
There's a crack in everything. That is how the light gets in.
--Leonard Cohen