Originally Posted by RockyRoad007
Maybe talk to your pdoc about Bupropion (Wellbutrin). It does not have that side effect. It is also weight neutral.
It can however be mildly activating, and is not always recommended for people prone to anxiety.
When my pdoc wanted to put me on an antidepressant, it was the only one I would agree to because I didn't want to deal with any potential sexual side effects.
Unfortunately I can't go on Wellbutrin. I have a really bad anxiety disorder and when I was on it in the past it rose my anxiety to intolerable levels.
I was willing to try it again, to try and lose some weight, but my old psychiatrist refused to put me on it because my anxiety is so bad.
It sucks.
I definitely lost weight when I was on it, because I was too anxious and keyed up to eat anything!