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Monster on the Hill
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Member Since Sep 2020
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Default Sep 22, 2024 at 12:09 PM
You guys have other violin learnin' tips? I got a hold of one a ways back and haven't really played it much. I know other instruments (guitar, bass, piano, harmonica) so the whole learning notes/keys/theory thing isn't a factor (I generally just improvise instead of play songs anyways).


still doing the post-episode recovery thing. I saw my CM this morning for meds and she's going to see if she can find my criminal record and write a reference to get into that apartment. I have a pdoc appointment tomorrow and of course have to get meds in the AM but neither of us are confident I should be driving right now so I guess we'll have to figure that one out. It's also cool because since, I don't know, May, it seems like at least once a month on the state news channel they talk about how many more car crash fatalities there are than usual. Saw a video on fb of this dude in MA "noping tf" out of merging between highways (I think the traffic scared him) and literally reversing through the exit onto the original highway. AI and faked vids and stuff, but that doesn't seem outrageously outrageous for 495 corridor. My drive to the CMHC would have nothing like that though (maybe a dude doing like 100mph, and a sketchy forever construction zone, but no major traffic)

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Blue_Bird, Crazy Hitch, June08, LadyShadow, raspberrytorte
Thanks for this!
Blue_Bird, LadyShadow