fahkin' A, man.
I fell asleep at 7 and woke up an hour ago (10) and I am abso-freaking-lutely raging. People complaining about "only" sleeping 5 hours THE PREVIOUS NIGHT insinuating that's an abnormality. I'm pretty sure there was a point I had barely more than that in a week. Hell, I probably went on a meth binge once and didn't even get that (my fault though, and ofc followed by days of sleep).
And people say "everyone's a little bipolar." Pshhh. Yeah, everyone spends days/weeks/months straight on 0-5 hours of sleep a night while also uncomfortably energetic, cannot keep their thoughts straight, and thinks they're superior to everyone else, but also spends weeks/months at other times without energy regardless of sleeping 0 or 18 hours a day or anywhere in between that and have no desire to do anything. Anything. Showering? Fk that. Walking to the bathroom to pee? No. Eat? Why? I get literally nothing out of that but survival and guilt and the guilt of survival, and I want none of that.
Yeah. Go back to calling it manic-depression, and then we'll say "everyone's a little manic-depressive."