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Old Oct 01, 2024, 07:34 AM
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Blue_Bird Blue_Bird is online now
Legendary Wise Elder
Member Since: Jun 2013
Location: Middle Earth
Posts: 38,098
Good morning, I didn’t sleep well. It’s my fault because I keep thinking I can go down to 100mg of Thorazine but then I don’t sleep well at all. Barely sleep. I just have to accept that I need to be on the 200mg. I didn’t get to sleep till after 2am and woke up at 7am.

Idk what I’m doing today. Probably gonna try to get a lot of reading in, take a shower, draw some too probably.
“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.” -St. Francis of Assisi
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BeyondtheRainbow, Crazy Hitch, JaneOnceMore, LadyShadow, MuddyBoots, Nammu, raspberrytorte