I worked all kinds of jobs, a CNA, College tutor, education counselor at school for the blind, I forget what the job title was but I set up store displays, worked at Target( I thought less stress would help, but no) most jobs I held required a degree but I was 3 classes short of my degree but got hired anyway with work experience. But an episode always interrupted my work. The places I worked wanted me back but I was too embarrassed to return. So I was on SSDI for a long time. It’s embarrassing the times I didn’t work cause what do you say? But now I’m of retirement age and can just say I’m retired. My last job was working for the city of Austin. That job I quit to move in with mum and help her out. They texted me and wanted me to commute! They didn’t realize I moved to Minnesota! That was lol.
It’s nice that my work wanted me back, I only got fired once and that was bogus.
I do understand blue bird, blueberry and raspberry.
Horrible sleeping again. One more week to see pdoc