11 years after I left my husband & years of outstanding therapy, I had to go back to Calif for a court case agsinst him regarding the house we had owned together for 20 years. It was marriage assets & a month before the divorce was final in the state I live in.
I was staying at the ranch where I was bording my horse still. He was still doing night feedings of the ranch horses. I was so stressed that he was going to say or do something so stupid that it would trigger my anger again after 11 years away from seeing red (literally) when I was dealing with him. I avoided him totally for the first week & I was surprised at myself cause when he did trigger me I was able to walk away without engaging with him. Guess being away & lots of good therapy did help but I sure didn't know until it was actually tested. It is then we learn our real strength & healing.
I sure get your fear though. I had a good session with my T right before flying to Calif & we went over that very thing