Originally Posted by comrademoomoo
I know you didn't ask me, but Adrienne is the darling of YouTube yoga. I like her and she has a million videos to choose from, including morning yoga and short yoga and yoga for anything you can think of. However, I am fat and old and there's not much allowance for my kind of body in her practice. She will highlight only doing what feels right for your body, but I can find it a bit dispiriting.
Look up Dianne bondy on YouTube. There is a space for bigger women too.
I joined cross fit once upon a time, and the group leader was very supportive and the trainers always gave me extra attention too. In my own experience, of joining four gyms- it’s always been my own judgment more than anyone else’s.
I’m pretty sure you could find a local group too if you searched. Some council sport centres also do chair Yoga.