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Old Oct 31, 2024, 11:31 AM
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jesyka jesyka is offline
Grand Poohbah
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Originally Posted by divine1966 View Post
You need big time trigger warning for your post.

Working before being officially hired with the expectation of a back pay is never a good idea. Having said that there’s nothing wrong with helping people for free but you are upset he used you for free labor. Otherwise it’s fine to do things for free

I do understand that you were introduced too hjm and that he had a rough life. But it doesn’t mean you got to know him well enough to do all that. That’s what I am saying unless you are hired and engage in strictly professional sense, don’t get that close that fast to total strangers.

If you completed orientation, background check and finger prints, you should have some record of it. Receipt? Certificate?
Sorry. I forgot to add a trigger warning. I’ve been more tired, sore & depressed lately & not thinking straight at times.

I’m often tired these days. You have a point. I let my guard doen to quickly since he seened nice & my client knew him too.

I’ll definitely need to maintain more professional boundaries from now on. Especially with people who have mental health issues.

I did get a receipt for the IHSS finger printing & background check but I don’t have it anymore.

It doesn’t matter as I don’t want to work for IHSS anymore as they make you jump through hoops & then they screw everything up after you end up wasting months of time & money for everything!

No thanks. And I definitely don’t want to risk working for more mentally unstable & hard to deal with clients ever again.

A new aquaintence of mine had issues with two women in the past. One lady tried to use her as a professional house cleaner. The other one was difficult too & she used her as a free therapist.

They have to much power over a caregiver as they are the only people who can approve your hours. They can definitely abuse that power if they want to try & get their way with things.

I’d rarher work for a more stable company & not one to where hardly anyone can answer your questions

Most of them just transfer you to different departments or tell you to fill out stuff online. They’re either lazy, incompetent or both.

I’m sick of dealing with people too, so maybe I’ll look into rover. com & do pet sitting on the side as a second p/t job.