I have therapy 2x a week but between the pharmacy ****ing up and my pdoc ignoring the prior authorization request and their response I will not get my medicine until at least Wednesday. My husband went to the pharmacy today and got my dog one of the medicines that they stole but honestly it's just to make her comfortable until some point next week as she has stopped eating, drinking and refuses to go outside. We're using our Christmas money from my parents early to euthanize. She's my rock, she's my reality check and I won't have that soon. I'm already pretty deep in psychosis but my insight is still there. Yesterday I was so agitated I looked like I was withdrawing all fidgety and **** while being dissociate. H says no more dogs but it was rough when everyone was gone and Athena wasn't moving. I'll honor his wishes though. How do I get past loosing my reality check when in psychosis? I don't want to be hospitalized my h needs me.