I'm just living off the grid again like I did when covid was bad. I binge watched reality TV all day. I don't think I've been this unsettled since covid got bad in April 2020.
I got this new anti nausea OTC called emeteyl or something. But its a liquid walgreens brand. It worked so well my nausea is gone and my stomach is fine. I'm also not coughing or dealing with post nasil drip. So the steroid is working.
So physically I feel a lot better. And this nausea stuff doesn't make me anxious like Zofran or tired and hungry like Dramanine. I didn't actually eat much today because everything needed to be cooked
The evail really helps me with me focus too. But I wish I could get that commercial out of my head. Like I am scared to turn on anything with poltical ads.