For years my wife and I don't bother to turn the clocks back when Daylight Savings Time (DST) ends. We're older and don't bother much with cellphones (which seem to shift automatically). Does anyone else do this?
Our pets don't know about clocks -- they're on "belly time."
I have a sleep disorder. I don't use an alarm clock -- I wake up at 5:15am (now 4:15am) regardless. And I yawn uncontrollably at about 9pm (now 8pm)
My work does flex time, and I tend to get in late, so being an hour early benefits everyone.
We don't watch specials on TV that need to be watched at a certain time.
The one annoying thing is that meetings that take place in the evening drag into bedtime or at least "yawn time."
Despite all the "advantages" I still like how most of the world changes the clocks.