So... I'm feeling much better today. 😊 I'm not going to let stupid people get me down. If I end up having to get a job down the road because I lose my SSDI I'll just put my big girl panties on and deal with it. I've done it before (granted the outcome wasn't all that great, but you do what you gotta do and just push through). I still feel like crying. I still don't understand. I read about what the orange one wants to do and agree with zero of it and find most of it disturbing. However...
I didn’t read anywhere that he plans on getting rid of SSI, SSDI or Medicare. He plans on doing some other stuff with it, but not that, and I think his primary focus is going to be deporting people when he gets into office, which is disturbing.
But apparently it's what most of us wanted, so...
Make your bed and you have to lay in it.
It's my husband's mom's birthday today. She's turning 74 and DOES NOT act or look her age! We're taking her out for dinner tonight. Should be fun. Unfortunately she wants to go to a less than ideal restaurant and the only option on the menu my husband and I can get is salad (I HATE salad!!!), but it's her special day. 😊
My husband gets done with work at 2PM. My plans are to write in my journal, clean and take a shower before he gets home and we have to pick our daughter up from school and stop at the pharmacy again.
Going to have a good day.
I will NOT allow myself to become depressed.