I'm having a really bad day. It's been bad for a few weeks, but its culminating to a head right now. I'm fighting with my mom about me working and her wanting every penny I make. I'm struggling through very complex emotions of my past since my ex's new, but soon to be ex, husband reached out to say they are divorcing ( it's a long story why he even did but I do think his intentions were sincere. He's not trying to put me through the past... just trying to sort out his own emotions with someone who can understand). I am learning to hate being at home, I hate being at work. I hate everything and everyone. I'm acting out in wreckless ways and I'm so uncomfortable in my own skin.
Every day it just gets that much harder. I don't know what to do. I just want to give up. Give up my job, give up trying to be happy, give up everything in my life so i just can have unhappiness but without the world berating me at the same time. I'm so sick of it all.