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Monster on the Hill
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Member Since Sep 2020
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Default Yesterday at 10:31 AM
I've never seen their vehicles in my part of town, but yesterday there was one that went down the road with stickers and I thought "that car/those bumper stickers look familiar" and I saw it in the mental health center parking lot later, but they went a different/longer way (got there first because I had to get gas though). Today there was one with a vanity plate that I thought was cool and I stopped at the library before meds and they were there too. I kept my eye out because went on the road there was the same make/model as my pdoc's car but I couldn't quite see the color because of the sun and they went south past the exit. But this doesn't usually happen. Once I saw my case manager in a grocery store but that was in the population. I don't remember things too long so I don't know if those cars are the people I don't see/on other teams or if they are my team that just isn't my case manager or the one with the black car. Or if they switch like they switch names for anonymity.

Why are they doing this? Sometimes I can't wait at home to leave because it's boring if I'm ready early and maybe they want to see if I'm buying drugs? I want to...

[Insert thought-provoking and comedic quote here]
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