Yesterday at 11:50 AM
Well the sweeper guys came. I got up at 8 because I didn’t know when they were coming. Got here around 10:30. Next group comes Tuesday or Wednesday next week and puts the vents back in. The following week the electrician comes and hooks them up. Whew I’ll be glad when they are done. This getting up early is for the birds. I’m so tired.
Yesterday was my last trip to the dentist. My sister and bil are leaving for the south so there’s no more reason to travel to Rochester anymore. My aunt and uncle moved into assisted living place. Finally. Now they have no more steps. But they’ve lots of new friends so I don’t need to go visit until spring.
I’m doing fine, the sleep is good one day then bad the next but it averages out.
…Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. …...
Desiderata Max Ehrmann