Thanks. I hope there is too. PLEASE be a solution!!! I'm going to get on my hands and knees and literally BEG my psychiatrist for a solution that isn't cymbalta, effexor, or fudging wellbutrin!!!!
Been up since 3AM. Normal four hours of sleep for me. Just laying in bed. Our bedroom is particularly toasty warm and nice and dark right now. Most pleasant. And I'm listening to Sleep Token. 🫠 Makes everything that much more better. I'm wide awake, but don't really feel like doing anything. Already wrote in my journal. Exercised. Took a shower. Had breakfast. Did the dishes.
Plans for today are hanging out with my daughter (she doesn't want to go to my husband's mom's house until 3:30), laundry, typical cleaning, ezine stuff, walking to store with Daughter so she can get a treat, HOPEFULLY getting some writing done... one can hope.
My therapist recommended that I figure out what I want to say in my novel. I'm going to figure that out. Gives me a place to start anyway.